It's a pirate ?-) ARGHHH!!!! :)

^^ I made this one up, but it's my plugin so it's supported ^^

Click here to toggle the "emoticonization" of the headline above.

Yo, this is some tiny text. :-)
This is how emoticons stack up in a paragraph B)

:O Here is an example of what emoticons look like in a paragraph :-) You can tell here that the emoticons don't break the line-height in paragraphs like most of the image-replacement methods. Also, here is a printed URL: Notice the :/ doesn't get styled. And one in a nested element :-)

This entire paragraph is excluded from being emoticonized ;-)

This paragraph has specific elements excluded. So this works B) But this doesn't :(

Here are all of the emoticons currently supported (though it's easy to add your own): :-) :-) :) :o) :c) :^) :-D :-( :-9 ;-) :-P :-p :-Þ :-b :-O :-/ :-X :-# :'( B-) 8-) :-\ ;*( :-* :] :> =] =) 8) :} :D 8D XD xD =D :( :< :[ :{ =( ;) ;] ;D :P :p =P =p :b :Þ :O 8O :/ =/ :S :# :X B) O:)

And some special emoticons: <3 ;( >:) >;) >:( O_o O_O o_o 0_o T_T ^_^ ?-) [+=..]