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Making an Interactive Picture with jQuery
By Sam Dunn
2009 Build Internet!

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	<title>Making an Interactive Picture with jQuery | Build Internet!</title>	
	<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
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			$('a').click(function() {
			//Hide all item descriptions in the info box
			$("#infobox > div").css("display", "none");
			//Call in the info box
			$(".more a").click(function(){
				$("#infobox").animate({bottom: '233px' }, 300);
				return false;
			//Expand more info button on hover
				$(this).stop().animate({width: '225px' }, 200).css({'z-index' : '10'}); //Change the width increase caption size
			}, function () {
				$(this).stop().animate({width: '50px' }, 200).css({'z-index' : '1'});
      		//Show description for selected item
      		$("#couch a").click(function(){
			$("#plant a").click(function(){

      		$("#monitor a").click(function(){
      		$("#board a").click(function(){
			//Remove background, info box and hide all descriptions
			$("#fade_bg, .close").click(function(){
				$("#infobox").animate({bottom: '-200px' }, 300, function() {
					$("#infobox > div").css("display", "none");
				return false;
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	<h1>Making an Interactive Picture with jQuery</h1>
	<div id="picture">
		<!-- More Info Buttons -->
		<div class="more" id="couch">
			<a href="#"><img src="more.png"/></a>
			<span>IKEA Klippan Couch</span>
		<div class="more" id="plant">
			<a href="#"><img src="more.png"/></a>
			<span>Cornelius, Office Plant</span>
		<div class="more" id="monitor">
			<a href="#"><img src="more.png"/></a>
			<span>Samsung 305t Monitor</span>
		<div class="more" id="board">
			<a href="#"><img src="more.png"/></a>
			<span>Custom White Board</span>
		<!-- Info Boxes -->
		<div id="infobox">
			<span class="close"><a href="#"><img src="close.png"/></a></span>
			<div id="couch_info">
				<img src="klippan.jpg"/><br/>
				<a href="">IKEA Klippan Couch</a>
			<div id="plant_info">
				<img src="plant.jpg"/><br/>
				<a href="">Office Plants</a>
			<div id="monitor_info">
				<img src="samsung.jpg"/><br/>
				<a href="">Samsung 305t Monitor</a>
			<div id="board_info">
				<img src="whiteboard.jpg"/><br/>
				<a href="">Custom Whiteboards</a>
		<!-- Dimmed Background -->
		<div id="fade_bg"> </div>
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