<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
* BackendPro
* A website backend system for developers for PHP 4.3.2 or newer
* @package BackendPro
* @author Adam Price
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
* @link http://www.kaydoo.co.uk/projects/backendpro
* @filesource
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Public_Controller
* Extends the Site_Controller class so I can declare special Public controllers
* @package BackendPro
* @subpackage Controllers
class Public_Controller extends Site_Controller
function Public_Controller()
// Set container variable
$this->_container = $this->config->item('backendpro_template_public') . "container.php";
// Set public meta tags
// Load the PUBLIC asset group
log_message('debug','BackendPro : Public_Controller class loaded');
function Public_Controller2012()
// Set container variable
$this->_container = $this->config->item('backendpro_template_public_2012') . "container.php";
// Set public meta tags
// Load the PUBLIC asset group
log_message('debug','BackendPro : Public_Controller class loaded');
function Ajax_Controller()
// Set container variable
$this->_container = $this->config->item('public_template_libs') . "ajax.php";
// Set public meta tags
// Load the PUBLIC asset group
log_message('debug','BackendPro : Public_Controller class loaded');
function NHF_Controller()
// Set container variable
$this->_container = $this->config->item('public_template_libs') . "no_header_footer_view.php";
// Set public meta tags
// Load the PUBLIC asset group
log_message('debug','BackendPro : Public_Controller class loaded');
/* End of Public_controller.php */
/* Location: ./system/application/libraries/Public_controller.php */